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¡Ü Outline
- Composed of controller, magnetic switch, molded case circuit breaker, leakage breaker, enclosure, etc.
- Classified into Stand on type, stanchion type, and street lamp pillar attachment type according to the installation method.
- Classified into two-door advertisement type, one-door advertisement type, one-door general type according to the shape of enclosure.
- Classified into wireless two way, wireless one way, GPS type, and computer type according to the used controller.
¢º Two way surveillance switch for street lamp (model : TCT-100C)
- Wireless remote lighting and blackout control (package, group, individual, street lamp pillar individual)
- Dual control by built-in timer in case of unavailable wireless control
- Ordinary report and extraordinary notification of nighttime operations through cell phones
- Control GIS(geographical information system) function, facility database buildup and management
- Trouble data management and search
- Power and leakage value LCD window display
- Molded case status(leakage, blackout, used power) monitoring
¡Ü Size : 138¡¿228¡¿97mm(W¡¿H¡¿D) | ¡Ü Holder : 122¡¿212(4EA)
¢º Two-way street lamp surveillance switch (model : TCT-100C)
- Wireless lighting/blackout signal reception and wireless remote control
- Dual safety control (wireless interference monitoring and recovery)
- Late night control of »ó½Ãµî and °Ýµî
- LCD display and onsite manual operation key
- GPS status and setup display
¡Ü Size : 145¡¿195¡¿85mm(W¡¿H¡¿D) | ¡Ü Holder : 130¡¿178(4EA)
¢º CDMA street lamp controller (model : TCEX-100C)
- Compatible with Korea Expressway Corporation¡¯s remote control system
- Repair box status(leakage, door open, blackout) monitoring
- Confirmation of communication history
- LCD big enough to examine the operating status at a glance
- 16 circuits which can be extended to 24 circuits in case of use of extension mode
¡Ü Size : 138¡¿228¡¿97mm(W¡¿H¡¿D) | ¡Ü Holder : 122¡¿212(4EA)
¢º Automatic GPS/street lamp switch (model: TC-2090A/B)
- Time correction using GPS (GPS optional)
- Same day control time setup
- Conversion of »ó½Ãµî and °Ýµî into alternate day system
- »ó½Ãµî and °Ýµî lighting on alternate day
- Week day control
- Classified into GPS or automatic computer street lamp switch according to whether there is GPS receptor or not
¡Ü Size : 177¡¿126¡¿75mm(W¡¿H¡¿D) | ¡Ü Holder : 157¡¿110(4EA)